


eBook Endorsements

Tax ethicist and international tax lawyer  George Rozvany is regarded as the world’s foremost authority on the operational aspects and stresses of the Big 4 accounting firms Deloitte, Ernst & Young, KPMG and Price Waterhouse Cooper (PwC).

Wikipedia regards George Rozvany as the only credible critic of the “Big 4”

“According to Australian taxation expert George Rozvany, the Big Four are “the masterminds of multinational tax avoidance and the architects of tax schemes which cost governments and their taxpayers an estimated $US1 trillion a year”. At the same time they are advising governments on tax reforms, they are advising their multinational clients how to avoid taxes.”

Nicholas Shaxson, author “Treasure Islands”

“A rare voice of reason”

Worldwide Tax Daily and in Tax Notes International. approached George Rozvany “on the record” for his comments on the rebirth of global tax behemoth Arthur Andersen & Co

“It is important that Anderson Tax emerge as a clear market differentiator to the Big 4 accounting firms based on what Rozvany said is the all important business principle, set by Arthur Andersen’s eponymous founder of “ethical behaviour at all times”.

“If it stays true to its original ideals and make the right moves on what the multinational market actually wants in terms of risk free tax structures, it will be the number one tax firm in the world within 10 years. It will take 3 to 5 years of hard work and commitment get the overall culture right and in accordance with Arthur Andersen principles. There is no point being a pretender passing off on the great AA name. Delivering anything short of the historical AA ideals would be commercial suicide”.


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